Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance Policies



The Florida Quest Hockey Program is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all players, parents, and coaches. To maintain the integrity and positive atmosphere of our program, we have implemented a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding conduct and bullying. This policy applies to all players, parents, coaches, and associated personnel involved with the Florida Quest Hockey Program.

Player Conduct

1. **Respect:** Players must show respect towards teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and all others involved in the sport.

2. **Sportsmanship:** Players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, including during practices, games, and team activities.

3. **Language and Behavior:** Foul language, abusive behavior, and any form of physical or verbal aggression will not be tolerated.

4. **Bullying and Harassment:** Any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination, whether physical, verbal, or online, is strictly prohibited.

Parent Conduct

1. **Supportive Behavior:** Parents are encouraged to support their children and the team in a positive manner, showing respect to all players, coaches, officials, and spectators.

2. **Sideline Conduct:** Parents must refrain from coaching from the sidelines, using foul language, or engaging in negative behavior that disrupts the game or practice environment.

3. **Communication:** Concerns or issues should be communicated respectfully and privately to coaches or program administrators, following the appropriate channels.

4. **Bullying and Harassment:** Parents must not engage in any form of bullying, harassment, or discriminatory behavior towards players, coaches, other parents, or officials.

Coach Conduct

1. **Professionalism:** Coaches are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism, treating all players, parents, and officials with respect.

2. **Fairness:** Coaches must ensure fair play, providing all players with equal opportunities to develop their skills and participate in games.

3. **Positive Reinforcement:** Coaches should use positive reinforcement to encourage and motivate players, avoiding any form of abusive language or behavior.

4. **Bullying and Harassment:** Coaches must not engage in or tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination within the team or program.

No Bullying Policy

1. **Zero Tolerance:** Bullying in any form, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disciplinary action.

2. **Reporting:** All incidents of bullying must be reported to the appropriate program administrators or coaches. Reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly.

3. **Action:** Confirmed incidents of bullying will result in consequences, which may include suspension or expulsion from the program, depending on the severity of the offense.

4. **Support:** Victims of bullying will receive appropriate support and resources to ensure their well-being and continued participation in the program.


Violations of this Zero Tolerance Policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include but is not limited to:

– Verbal or written warnings

– Suspension from practices or games

– Expulsion from the program

The severity of the consequences will be determined by program administrators based on the nature and frequency of the violations.


By participating in the Florida Quest AAA Hockey Program, all players, parents, and coaches agree to adhere to this Zero Tolerance Policy. Our collective commitment to respect, fairness, and positive behavior ensures a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

Contact Information

For any questions or to report violations of this policy, please contact the Florida Quest Hockey Program & Florida Quest AAA administration at email us at

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